Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Unfortunately I can't claim that I hung out with any celeberities in my last couple of days, but hopefully by the next blog I will be able to! This week has been a typical so week so far. I've gone to all my classes, crossed the streets without being hit by a car, and done my reading. It was my first week I actually had a little bit of homework... I had to read a whole 20 pages.... sounds tough right!?

I have been running a lot, and exploring Galway that way. Not your typical running path- especially when there are castle remains and old stone buildings every mile or so- no complaints!

I have my first tutorial for my Rise of Modern America class tomorrow- I'm actually really excited for it. Since our lectures are held for well over 200 people, we are divided into tutorials that meet once a week for an hour that only have 20 students in them, and it's a discussion type class.

Tomorrow night, a bunch of bands are playing a free show at the Roisin Dubh Pub in downtown Galway, so Brooke and I are going to go watch the show for a bit. On the topics of pubs, I must say my favorite part is that all of them have REAL FIRE PLACES!! It's so nice. Granted, the buildings are also much older here. I have kyaking on Saturday this weekend as well, lets hope I don't get to flip into the river this time :)

I got the good news yesterday that my best friend from 5th grade, Emily, is going to come visit in March for her spring break! It should be really fun!

Sorry this wasn't as entertaining as my last blog- I will try and do something crazy cool between now and the end of the week so I can write a cool story about it :) haha

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