Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Market

So I really don't have any pictures for this entry because it was dark when we adventured last night. Brooke and I met some new friends, Shay, Darren, and Chet. We grabbed a bite to eat at this traditional fish and chips place called McDoughs, which was really good. I had fish and chips, and it was definitely the best I have ever had. Later, they took us up shop street to a pub called the King's Head where we had cider. The place was super nice because it had a large fire place, and it's been really cold here! It was interesting because we both had a lot of questions about the others culture, but we had a great time. We swung by this small convenient store after where they introduced us to some Irish candy. It tasted like it was a special chocolate with Jam around it- it was really good! They then took us to see Salt Hill, which is more of the rich neighborhood of the Galway area. Down at this park the look out was gorgeous and you could see the ocean, but not very far because it was pretty dark. The vapor off the water though was incredible, and they said that they had never seen anything like it, especially because it never gets that cold here.

Today we woke up with more snow on the ground. I wish it would melt and warm up! We ventured in to town to see the farmers market, but it was quite small today because of the weather. It was about 25 degrees before windchill when we were downtown, so we spent a sparce amount of time there. I think jet leg is catching up with me because when we got back I took a long nap!

I posted two pictures below of our apartment and the snow.

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